Frost & Sullivan Report on SBR Market

Frost & Sullivan Report on SBR Market

As part of the on-going pre-commercialization process for the Neuro-Kinesis (NK) SmartBrain Retractor, Frost & Sullivan was engaged to provide the NK Management Team a revenue forecast study in order to assess current brain retractor technology, surgical use...
The SMART Tool Revolution

The SMART Tool Revolution

Over the past two decades, advances in surgical techniques have undergone a tremendous revolution. The reasons behind these accelerated advancements can be attributed to two main processes; the improvement of medical imaging techniques and, the improvement in surgical...
Catheter Market Continues to Grow

Catheter Market Continues to Grow

The global catheter market continues to rise at a tremendous rate growing from an estimated $37.3B in 2018  to an expected $77.7B by 2026 with an average CAGR of 9.7% over the forecast period. This dramatic increase is mostly due to the increasing prevalence of...
CGCI GLP Study Completed

CGCI GLP Study Completed

The following article is from a press release related to the development work done by Magnetecs Corporation on the Catheter Guidance, Control, and Imaging System (CGCI). CGCI was the precursor to the current Proteus™ Robotic Guidance System and represented more than...
Third CGCI Suite Constructed

Third CGCI Suite Constructed

A CGCI-II EP Suite is installed in the Na Homolce Hospital in Prague, Czech Republic. Under the direction of Dr. Petr Neuzil, Head of Cardiology for the Hospital, and Dr. Vivek Reddy, Professor of Medicine and Director of Cardiac Arrhythmia Service at Mount Sinai...